
CKA eNewsletter - Summer 2019
Vol. 3 no. 2
CKA / ACK announces a new Board of Directors for 2019-2020
Further to holding its AGM and its first Board of Directors Meeting, the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance / Alliance Canadienne de Kinésiologie (CKA/ACK) is pleased to announce the composition of its new Board of Directors for 2019-20. The CKA/ACK also announced the newly elected president, Hardip (Happy) Jhaj. The Board of Directors greets the newcomers James Wendland, BC and Jordan Javier, AKA. A special thank you to Matias Golob who retired as past-president (and whose position was filled by Marie-Claude Leblanc), for his many years of involvement in CKA and for being an important part of the CKA's development. Another big thank you to Jake Watson, AKA, our VP of Communications, to whom we wish best success in all of his new endeavours.
Here is the new composition of the Board of CKA/ACK:
Executive Committee:
Ms. Hardip (Happy) Jhaj, BCAK, president
Mrs. Marie-Claude Leblanc, QC,past-president
Mrs. Kathie Sharkey, OKA, Vice-president
Ms. Minda Chittenden, BC, Secretary-Treasurer
Mr. James Wendland, BC
Mr. Jordan Javier, AKA
Mrs. Kathlyn Mary Hossack, MKA
Mr. Serge Bourdeau, FKQ
Mrs. Murielle Grangeon, QC
Mrs. Kendra Thibodeau, NBKA
Mrs. Marki Wong, KANS
Mrs. Angelie Carter, KPEI
Mr. Des Martin, NLKA
The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance is committed to supporting the advancement of kinesiology by fostering the ongoing professional development efforts of Kinesiologists and those engaged in the human movement sciences. On a regular basis, either on its own or in partnership, the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance promotes professional development and continuing education efforts.
CKA #KinVision2022
The CKA/ACK continues to put wheels in motion as its newly elected Board of Directors reviewed its governance model at the latest CKA Face-to-Face Board of Directors Meeting held from June 21st to 23rd 2019 in Kelowna, BC.
This workshop was in line with the #KinVision Strategic Plan's goal to strengthen organizations, including itself, while also supporting the PKAs to pursue their vision and purpose. Mrs. Deb McCelland from OnBoardTraining facilitated this workshop and provided many governance options for Board of Directors (BOD) to consider. No one BOD works exactly the same way. It was important to discuss how we can work efficiently in order to further our profession.
"What a fabulous board with great governance practices in place already. A pleasure to share my #governance best practices with you!" says Deb McCelland, OnBoardTraining
CKA Guide to Legislation
Regulatory Process Handbook
As kinesiology moves towards legislation in each province, the CKA is pleased to present a guide to the regulatory process for each Provincial Kinesiology Association. This handbook will guide PKAs in the legislative process.
CKA/ACK is working to support PKAs in becoming regulated in each province, as per the goals set out in our #KinVision2022 Strategic Plan. In this respect, the CKA/ACK can act as a hub of information for PKAs and work to support regulation drives in each province.
To that end, CKA/ACK has prepared a series of primers and guidelines intended to assist PKAs in their plan to make kinesiology a regulated health profession within each province. It is our hope that the guidelines contained here will ease this process and help us work to achieve our vision of ensuring that Kinesiology is broadly recognized by all Canadians as a leading health profession.
Armstrong Strategic Group, an independent national strategic planning consultancy firm, was retained to assist the CKA / ACK in developing this handbook. The Armstrong Group has worked with provincial, national and international organizations on similar mandates.
Read the Guide to Legislation
#KinStartUpKit University Seminar/Webinar Tour
In line with the 2019 R&D Action Plan design from the #KinVision2022 Strategic Plan, the CKA wishes to present the KinStartUpKit to as many university students as possible in collaboration with PKAs and university liaisons.
Earlier in June, a pilot presentation was made to students of Université de Montréal. The CKA and FKQ coordinated a very interesting presentation in order to inform (students who are about to finish their degree in Kinesiology) on how to transition from academia to practice, how to decide about pursuing post-graduate studies or to start a career or a business, or follow another path. The pilot was successful and now the CKA wants to organize more seminars/webinars this fall. The Coms and R&D Cttees' recommend that the BOD hire an intern to find University Liaisons and to coordinate the September Tour and/or seminars. For this purpose, the CKA is opening an internship opportunity.
Internship Opportunity
Apply now!
The CKA wishes to offer an internship opportunity to Students of Kinesiology to coordinate and to oversee, the implementation of the KinStartUpKit University Seminar/Webinar Tour.
If you are an undergraduate student looking for an internship opportunity starting in September on two days, or 14 hours per week, until at least 11 weeks or more and can work from home, apply promptly by sending your cover letter and resume to info@cka.ca. This is an unpaid internship. Bilingualism is an asset.
Latest Publications
CKA Annual Report

A message from Marie-Claude Leblanc,
2018 President
From 2018 and until 2022, the CKA/ACK mobilized to carry out the activities of the Vision2022 Strategic Plan. The world of kinesiology is changing. If health professionals are affected, the CKA/ACK seeks to support its provincial kinesiology associations (PKAs) to defend the many legislative challenges to the practice of our profession. Your Alliance has positioned itself to protect the interests of kinesiology, especially with regards to legislation, reimbursement of services and standards. A more active role at the KinGames was played as a sponsor of the Academic Challenge - a joint CKA/ACK and PKA marketing initiative to increase awareness of the roles of PKA and CKA/ACK among students / future kinesiologists and help them start their practice by reiterating the use of the website: www.kinstartupkit.ca. A second initiative in partnership with the OKA was carried out by participating in the CLHIA Conference gathering more than 250 insurers responsible for the management of benefit claims. An even larger program and promotional tool kit were developed for the National Kinesiology Week and the National Health and Fitness Day. We also had great success with the Osteoporosis Campaign launched as part of National Kinesiology Week. All communication tools established over the years and the new coherent marketing plan have helped to enhance the image of Kinesiology and CKA/ACK. The Financial Report now shows with transparency that CKA/ACK has undertaken special projects while ensuring good management practices.
Our Executive Director, France Martin, supported the Board of Directors throughout the year with professionalism and devotion to making things happen. I would also mention the contributions of members of the Board who have demonstrated integrity and judgment in their decision and conviction to represent you, no matter your vocation or your location. Volunteers have given you their time without compensation.
As chair of the Board of Directors, and in this last year of my presidency I thank you for the support you have entrusted in me. A special thought is for Mathias Golob, one of the founding members of the CKA/ACK, for the many years spent and for believing in the restructuring of the CKA/ACK as he now passes on his position of Past President to me. Thank you to our partners, sponsors and provincial kinesiology associations. I leave the CKA/ACK proud of all that has been accomplished and very reassured by the solid implementation of the # KinVision2022 strategic plan. I hope you are too. The strength of our Alliance is the sum of the support and efforts of everyone. What new trails to explore! Thank you all.
Read the Annual Report
New Definitions & New texts
Awareness - Insurance - Legislation
Many of the texts used in most CKA publications had not been reviewed in years. In light of having redesigned the French KinStartUpKit, four reviewed texts are now available on the website. The texts relate to: What is kinesiology, Kinesiologist's scope of practice, Why Legislation and the structure of kinesiology in Canada. Updating the texts will clarify a Kinesiologist's role and represent the diversity in our practice.
Currently the practice of kinesiology varies from one province to another. The information in these texts may differ from what your province dictates. The main purpose of these texts is to present the current portrait of kinesiology (definitions, fields of practice, acts, etc.) across Canada, with information regarding resources in the various fields of kinesiology, practical tools, the extent of its scope of practice and other potentially useful documents. These documents are in perpetual revision as per the evolution of the practice of kinesiology in Canada. The CKA / ACK emphasizes that the aim of these documents is to help guide you. Should anyone require guidance in interpreting any of the provided information, they should seek the advice of their provincial kinesiology association.
These texts will serve as preliminary texts and definition to be used by PKAs in their process to get kinesiology legislated in their province. The CKA encourages each PKA to begin the process towards legislation, bit by bit every year. It is a long journey. We wish you perseverance, patience and the best of luck. We remain available if we can be of any assistance.
You can find the texts in the first tag "about Kinesiology" of the CKA Website.
CKA Blog
People talk about us!
Read how CKA's Kinesiology branding makes people talk about us. Read about how UpHouse Inc., its consultant firm, created a brand to support CKA's view of movement as medicine. "The science of kinesiology speaks as much to high-performance athletes recovering from injury as it does to an elderly person who refuses to let age limit their abilities." Says Kiirsten May from UpHouse Inc.
A case Study: Can a field of practice also be a brand?
Doing great brand work means getting stakeholder buy-in early and often. The NEW CKA brand had a significant impact for kinesiology across Canada
Get Preferred rates @ CKA BOUTIQUE
Save 20%
Open since June 1st, 2018, the online CKA Boutique offers the best to Kinesiologists! The Canadian Kinesiology Alliance partners with companies that respect CKA values and have common elements in their respective missions. Companies have the opportunity to network, communicate and build brand awareness within the kinesiologist community.
The CKA is proud to offer Affiliated Kinesiologists preferential rates on products and services from its partners in order to help you in your practice of kinesiology. Take advantage of discounts HAVE FUN SHOPPING!

Consistent participation in organized physical activity predicts emotional adjustment in children
A study published in "Pediatric Research" indicates that continued participation in organized physical activity is related to better emotional adjustment in primary school children.
The results of a new study conducted by Frédéric N. Brière, a professor at the School of Psychoeducation at the University of Montreal, show that children who participate in organized physical activity on a continuous basis tend to experience better emotional health at the age of 12.
"This is important information for parents who are wondering if they should enroll their child in a sports activity supervised by a coach," says Professor Brière. The years of primary school are a crucial moment in the development of children and parents want to contribute to their well-being. "
Organized sports in childhood linked to better emotional health in adolescence: study
A study of Quebec children has found a link between consistent participation in organized sports in childhood and better emotional health once the child reaches the age of 12.
Intuitively, parents know that sport is good for their children.
But some Université de Montréal researchers wanted to evaluate the impact of organized sports on the level of psychological distress of their teenagers.
Organized sports are activities that are supervised by a coach, whether it be a team sport, such as soccer, or an individual sport, such as tennis, and that are practiced regularly between the ages of six and 10.
The researchers' goal was to see how regular participation in sports contributed to reducing emotional difficulties beyond the children's other characteristics and their families.
The result? Children who participated regularly in organized sports were
Get Active Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia
Being active can help people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (ADRD) feel better, move better and sleep better. Experts now say that any physical activity counts toward better health even just a few minutes!
Getting Started - Aerobic Activity - Strength Training - Other Types of Physical Activity
People with ADRD are safe to be active as long as they are guided and monitored in a similar fashion to older adults without ADRD. Physical activity for people with ADRD should be adjusted based on the person's symptoms and physical status. Progress people at a rate that helps them "stick with it". Exercise in nursing homes or senior facilities is encouraged when there are properly trained staff to monitor safety.
Exercise is the new primary prescription for those with mental health problems
Adding exercise as a treatment for patients in psychiatric care facilities has positive benefits and is proving to be more effective than medications or psychotherapy alone.
Exercise helps reduce mental health disorder symptoms such as anxiety, depression, anger and psychomotor agitation. Researchers say exercise also helps to develop a more balanced and integrated sense of self for those with mental health disorders.
2019 National KinWeek
November 11-17th 2019
Get ready to participate
Organize your event(s)!
Start thinking about activities in your community that you wish to participate in, or to organize to promote kinesiology. In preparation for the 2019 National Kinesiology Week (presented by Hexfit and the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance (CKA)) please reserve the dates of November 11th to 17th 2019 in your calendar.
This year KinWeek will be held in support of Diabetes and World Diabetes Day (Nov. 14th). Promote yourself, your services and connect with your community. CKA's Communications Committee is hard at work to prepare marketing tools and ideas for you to use. Check your emails regularly.
2020 KinGames
March 11-14th 2020
Check out the hype video for 2020! Showcasing some of the places around Brock University campus and in Niagara Falls that students will get to experience!
An AH-MAZING video :)
Keep an eye on the FB page @kingames2020 on KG 2020 for updates
Stay Tuned!

The CKA / ACK (in partnership with all PKAs)
CLHIA hosts over 200 insurers and claims associates in a tradeshow and CKA formally presented at the conference, plenaries and special events. CKA, represented by Minda Chittenden, BCAK by Daryl Reynolds, Zachary Betts, AKA by Jennifer Ball and guest speaker Dr. Robert Boushel, joined other NHOs such as the Canadian Massage Therapy Alliance, Canadian Chiropractors Association, Ontario Association of Osteopaths and other healthcare professionals as exhibitors. In 2018 & 2019, it was a prime spot to meet and greet CLHIA members. This National event aligns with the CKA / ACK 's commitment to raise awareness of the profession by aligning organizations, such as CLHIA, with our goals.
A workshop was held on May 8th titled "With a kin, you can...." Kinesiology Services in extended health care benefit packages. CKA, as a governing body of Kinesiology in Canada, guided claim managers on "How we can help insurers to manage claims for benefits reimbursement? What are the tools available to validate claims? Why should benefits be reimbursed? How much can be saved?" Dr. Boushel discussed: Why is exercise so important for physical health? The change needed in policy related to healthcare, community and institutional levels and strategic initiative ideas in the workplace
For 2020, the CKA will look into attending a Human Resource Managers' conference to discuss insurance and to request that Kinesiology services be added to the list of reimbursed health benefits across Canada.
The CKA invited Kins to Get Ready to GET UP, GET OUT and GET ACTIVE on National Health and Fitness Day, Saturday June 1st, 2019. The CKA ACK encouraged Kinesiologists to take part in National Health and Fitness Day by organizing an event, to reach out to meet people ready to be active. Kinesiologists across Canada joined in activities in their communities. Promotional material could be found on CKA Website.
This year there was a shift in momentum, for NHFD, a grassroots movement to make Canada the fittest nation on earth". With 407 communities who've proclaimed the first Saturday in June, NHFD, or otherwise supporting the initiative, there has been an increase of over 30% in support for the movement. More than 80 municipalities organized events. Kins were there too!
For NHFD the NLKA and Memorial University - Human Kinetics and Recreation Faculty partnered with the City of St. John's to offer events with community members and organizations.
On May 27th, 2019, we had the Proclamation of NHFD at City Hall Speaking was NLKA's Dr. Katie Wadden. Other NLKA members attending were Danica Benoit and Des Martin. Representing Memorial University was Drs. Linda Rohr and Jeanette Byrne.
On June 21, 2019, the CKA met with UBC-Okanagan School of Health and Exercise Sciences to discuss the future of kinesiology in Canada, and how universities can meet the needs of kinesiology students. UBC has some innovative ideas about how they can change their curriculum and are starting talks with the BCAK to finalise the restructuring. UBCO hosted the meeting in order to share ideas, collaborate, and start a dialogue about the profession of kinesiology.
The grande finale included a tour of their amazing research facilities! We were given personal tours of many labs, and learned about the great research being done into COPD, nutrition, behavioural change, and spinal cord injury. Thank you to Dr. Robert Shave (School Director), Dr. Tanya Forneris, Rebecca Frechette, Dr. Sally Willis-Stewart, Dr. Jonathan Little, Dr. Mary Jung, Dr. Greg duManoir, Dr. Neil Eves, and the many others who made it all possible!

Partners with CKA for several years, Hexfit quickly became the reference software for kinesiologists in Canada. Already collaborating with the Federation of Kinesiologists of Quebec and newly with the Ontario Kinesiology Association, we are constantly working on developing tools adapted to your specific needs. In fact, a kit of documents dedicated to kinesiologists in Western Canada will be available soon.
If your provincial association (PKA) is not yet a partner, know that we are in discussion with them. Several PKAs will join Hexfit in the coming months for your biggest benefit.
Hexfit is becoming more and more involved with universities. We would like to congratulate the University of Ottawa (https://www.uottawa.ca/) for considering the use of the software, and Concordia (https://www.concordia.ca/), which will officially begin to use it in September. Contact our team of Hexperts to see how we can help you!
Our mission has always been to optimize the achievement of your clients' objectives and we continue to work in this direction by developing functionalities based on your specific needs!
For more information about our software: http://hxft.co/fetps
Polar has operated its own sales, marketing and distribution subsidiary in Canada for several years and has decided to transition to a full-service distributor model. Effective April 15th, 2019 Polar Electro has appointed Outdoor Gear Canada (OGC) as their distributor for Canada.
"To all Polar Canada partners (CKA), athletes, ambassadors and collaborators, on behalf of Mark Pavsek and I, it has been a real pleasure working with you. I have had the chance to meet great people with the common desire to help others make a better life for themselves through promoting a healthy lifestyle. I wish you all the best for the future hope our paths will meet again", says Steven Boulet, X- Polar VP marketing.
CKA Affiliated Kinesiologists can still benefit from preferred rates when purchasing POLAR through the CKA BOUTIQUE. Shop now!
From POLAR Blog: Is a Quick Workout Better than No Workout?
Human Kinetics has just released the following new publications. Order with these links for rebate!
Dumbbell Training 2E - Whether you are an athlete wanting to improve your sport performance or a fitness enthusiast wanting to improve upon your current exercise regime, you can use dumbbells to achieve your goals related to fitness, weight loss, increased muscle mass, or improved athletic performance..https://canada.humankinetics.com/ /dumbbell-training-2nd-ed
The Modern Art & Science of Mobility - Whether you are a casual exerciser or an elite athlete, you will learn how to preserve and maintain your body with over 300 exercises designed to improve mobility, facilitate recovery, reduce pain, and activate muscles. https://canada.humankinetics.com/ /modern-art-and-science-o
Methods of Group Exercise Instruction, 4E - goes beyond theory to help fitness instructors and managers understand the why behind class and program design, the proper way to cue participants, and the variety of modalities they can use in their teaching. Revised and reorganized based on current industry best practices. https://canada.humankinetics.com/ /methods-of-group-exercis
Kin online Services
PROLINK provided advice to Kinesiologists on the question of them providing online services. Prolink can confirm to the CKA/ACK affiliates and the leaders of the PKAs that a member is covered under the CKA insurance program if a member in one province provides advice and services over the Internet or telephone to clients in another province. The CKA E&O and CGL policy covers members practicing anywhere in Canada. The complicating issue is related to the scope of practice and registration with the regulatory body in a province. The province where the patient resides typically determines the scope of practice that must be followed.
CKA members need to be careful when providing professional services that are reimbursed / paid for by a health insurer if the member is not registered to practice in the province where the patient receiving their services resides. There is a possibility that the health insurer will not pay for their services rendered to a patient if the Kin is not registered with the regulatory body in the province where the patient received the service. The health insurer could then also consider issuing a complaint against the Kin in the province where they are registered to practice resulting in a disciplinary investigation against the Kin. It is always more complicated when services are rendered across provincial borders using the Internet or telephone.
The CKA / ACK encourages Kinesiologists to use Mobility Tape's unique collection of kinesiology taping products to reduce rehab times and support active people amongst many other benefits. Mobility Tape will actively work with the CKA / ACK to grow awareness and understanding of products and services and increase adoption rates amongst the kinesiology practice. Kinesiologists understand that taking the time to exercise while experiencing injury or discomfort in movement, can be a daily struggle for many people.
Preferred prices: 20% discount
This is why we stay on top of the most current and innovative research to ensure that our clients are supported with the most current material and equipment, to continue exercising efficiently and effectively. With our understanding of the relationship between exercise, physical functioning and healing management, we can ensure that our clients' exercise programs, include Mobility Tape to support them in their movement will have the greatest benefit on their overall health.

Sharing Information
The BCAK invested in a radio marketing campaign that targeted three regions of the province Greater Vancouver area, Southern Vancouver Island, and the Okanagan (Kelowna, Penticton and Vernon) during the past 4 weeks (from May 27, 2019 to June 24, 2019). The total audience reach was 450,000. The purpose of the campaign was to raise awareness about the work that Kinesiologists do, and how Kinesiologists can help clients improve health and wellness. There were three separate 30-second messages for each of the three regions and each message was designed to measure performance and return on investment (ROI) by sending listeners to the BCAK website and to the Find a Kin page.
The Alberta Kinesiology Association has been working hard to inform our
membership group on educational opportunities. The AKA is hosting a course
on Concussion - Recognition and Return to Work and Sport. This course is
being held on September 7, 2019 in Edmonton. If you are interested in
registering, please visit our website at albertakinesiology.ca for more
information. We are also hosting a Motivational Interviewing course in
early November. Our membership numbers are also continuing to grow as more
and more kinesiologists in Alberta join our association!
MKA is going through a governance change. A new Board of Directors should be named in spring.

Early June, OKA launched #OKAMentorMoment video series! Watch the first ones now.
What do you like about being a Kinesiologist?
Kinesiologist have so many career possibilities
Great news for workplace kinesiology project as Quebec's Minister Charest has just announced the creation of the Business Financial Assistance Program for Physical Activities. Businesses with 5 to 499 employees, including not-for-profit organizations and cooperatives, will receive up to $40,000 in financial assistance.
The New Brunswick Kinesiology Association (NBKA) has hired its first summer
student to join the team and aid in the association's development for the
summer of 2019. The NBKA has also committed to its first annual university
student bursary that will be awarded to an undergraduate student in New
Brunswick who is pursuing a degree in Kinesiology for the 2019/2020 school
The Newfoundland & Labrador Kinesiology Association (NLKA) is excited to share news about its most recent developments! February saw the first edition of our e-Newsletter, Kinnected - an email blast aimed at keeping members up to date with important announcements, local events, continuing education opportunities, employment opportunities, and current research or research opportunities. To be better informed of prospects, the NLKA has also formed an alliance with other Allied Health Professional associations in the province to reciprocally communicate information about upcoming local seminars and events for continuing education opportunities for members.
As well, in an effort foster a stronger relationship with students and faculty, we have welcomed professor Dr. Jeannette Byrne as our School of Human Kinetics and Recreation Liaison. We look forward to working with Dr. Byrne to coordinate opportunities for Kinesiology students to listen to, learn from and network with working professionals in our field.
KANS presented at the Kinnections event at Dalhousie in February 2019 with the goal of increasing awareness and providing information to the student population. To reach the greater population, we have recently begun to implement our website, which will allow us to provide more in-depth and accessible information about Kinesiology in NS. We are also very excited for our first official face-to-face Board of Directors meeting at the end of April 2019. Further developments to be announced following our meeting!
Interest in the field of Kinesiology in PEI continues to grow. This spring, University of PEI recently had their largest ever number of Kinesiology graduates. Earlier this month Kinesiology PEI President Travis Saunders presented to the PEI Family Medical Association on the benefits of prescribing physical activity to patients, and the role of Kinesiologists in exercise prescription
JOb Posting
The School of Kinesiology at Western University is seeking a Limited-Term appointment in Human Movement to coordinate and teach its new integrated approach to physical activity programming in Kinesiology. This approach emphasizes the links between theory-based courses in Kinesiology and practical movement skills. The modules will focus on individual and group fitness and sport skills, strength and conditioning, and exercise for specific populations. The goal of these courses is to combine sport and physical activity theory in lecture format, supported by movement-based programming.
Interested applicants should send a detailed curriculum vita including teaching dossier, a cover letter, the names of three academic referees and a completed Application for Full-Time Position (available at http://www.uwo.ca/ /Application-FullTime-Faculty-Position-F ) before June 28, 2019.
Case Manager- Service Delivery and Workplace - Services Halifax Office
By working to keep Nova Scotians safe, healthy, and on the job, and supporting them when their lives are impacted by workplace injury, WCB Nova Scotia is contributing to a safer, stronger province. Case Managers are responsible for a broad range of responsibilities including assessing the needs of individual workers and administering the benefit provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act, where applicable. Case Managers are responsible to coordinate and/or provide a full range of vocational rehabilitation services.
Interested applicants should send resume and cover letter as one document with your name and the job title in the document title (Microsoft Word format) tohrdept@wcb.gov.ns.ca. In the subject line of your email, please quote competition number: JV 18-19 EXT
Looking for Continuing Education Opportunities.
"COPD Management for Exercise Professionals"
comprises six online modules including pathophysiology, self-management, exercise assessment and prescription. It also includes a printable Trainer's Manual. Accredited for 10 Continuing Education Credits. Visit to create your free account today::www.expandcourses.com

Publisher: France A. Martin Project Manager: Marki Wong
Marki Wong, France A. Martin, Minda Chittenden, Muriel Ouaknine
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